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Regulation - Ian Brewerton Architecture

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The Architectural profession is regulated by

The Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

+44 (0) 20 7580 5861

You do not have to be an Architect to design buildings or building works; but you can only describe yourself as an Architect in the UK if you have qualified professionally and are registered with the Architects Registration Board. Architectural Consultants are NOT Architects - though they may be perfectly competent.

To check whether a person is an Architect visit and search the Register.

Many Architects are also members of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

The RIBA champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members. They provide the standards, training, support and recognition that put our members – in the UK and overseas – at the peak of their profession.
They also work to improve the design quality of public buildings, new homes and new communities.

The RIBA can be contacted at

The Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place
London W1B 1AD

0207 580 5533

To check if an individual is a member of the RIBA visit
Copyright Ian Brewerton Architecture 2019. All rights reserved.
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